
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Oops I did it again

Two minis in two days! What on earth am I doing with mylife! Oh well there will be time for panic attacks later. Since Jamo and Stiz have been painting space marines I figured I should too. Here is a Minotaurs Master of The Forge I have had lying around a while. Painted him up today! I was gonna use him as a counts as Vulkan Hestan and to that I end I wrote some fluff about him. He can also be fielded as a Master of The Forge with a conversion beamer, combi flamer, and a thunder hammer or power axe. Hope you enjoy.

Ithika Herekles, The Burning Spear of Minos, Minotaurs Master of The Forge.

When the Minotaurs previous Master of The Forge fell in battle, Chapter Master Asterion Moloch put forth a challenge to his Techmarines. They were to each build a powerful tool of war and the greatest craftsman would be elevated above his peers. Working day and night in the Minotaurs forge ship Pergamum, skirting the bounds of techno-heresy to appease their lord and satiate their ambition, the Techmarines built many strange and wonderful devices. But when Ithika Herekles presented Moloch not one, but ten masterfully crafted power spears, the victor was no longer in doubt. Named the Spears of Minos, these powerful weapons are now wielded by Molochs personal body guards.

Herekles' strength was always in the crafting of arms and armour for his battle brothers. Though he is privy to the secrets of all machines within the Minotaurs armouries, he is more likely to be found crafting and maintaining powerful weapons than repairing the chapters armored vehicles, leaving their care mostly to his subordinates. It is the crafting of flame and melta weapons in particular that Herekles excels at, and any force he accompanies is invariably armed with the best of such weapons in the chapters armoury.

Herekles' is also remarkable for his combat prowess. He is one of the greatest fighters in the Chapter, easily the equal of any Minotaurs Captain. Every bit as headstrong and ferocious as his brothers, when on the battlefield he does not hang back, making hasty repairs to the chapters fighting vehicles as other Techmarines do. Instead Herekles can always be found in the thick of the fighting, slaying enemy champions and leading brutal assaults of fury and fire to turn the tide of battle and secure victory for his master.

Though in some chapters this non-codex eccentricity would be frowned upon, the Minotaurs have always held greater respect for personal combat prowess over technical expertise. In addition, the large number of Techmarines within the chapter and the Minotaurs vast vehicle armoury means there is little loss in armoured effectiveness as a result. Having vast numbers of superior weaponry produced by the Pergamum is also seen as ample compensation.

(Counts As Vulkan Hestan) Artificer Armour, Frag and Krak Grenades, Bolt Pistol, Heavy Flamer, Incindium, The Paros Device.

Incindum: Incindium is a long hafted plasma cutter masterfully crafted by Herekles himself. Intended to be a devastating weapon as much as a useful tool, when wielded by Herekles it is as capable of slicing through ceremite as easily as any of the treasured Relic Blades housed within the chapters armory. In game terms it is a Master Crafted Relic Blade.

The Paros Device: In place of the traditional Servo Harness worn by most Masters of The Forge, Herekles carries an arcane energy generator used to power various technical devices, his weaponry, and a personal force field. The Paros Device grants Herekles a 3+ Invulnerable Save and counts as a set of Digital Weapons.

Chapter Tactics: A force lead by Herekles will have access to some of the best arms in the chapter. A force lead by Herekles will exchange the combat tactics rule to count all flame and melta weapons as twin linked and all thunder hammers as master crafted.

Designers note: To represent Herekles' preference for being at the forefront of a conflict, he does not have the Bolster Defenses or the Blessings of the Omnissiah special rules. Instead he has a boosted stat line representing his combat prowess.


So this morning I took my Master of The Forge into the garage to stick him in the figure case with his brothers. I noticed somethings. One, his verdigris is much not noticible at a gaming distance. Two, no one has red or yellow cables. They are all turqoise. Obsessivly unable to allow such disparity, I made some adjustments and have replaced the old photos with new. Alright time to stop painting for a few days...

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