
Monday, March 31, 2014

March submission finalized!!!

This guy was a lot of fun to paint, and it gave me an excuse to use some new paint by the name of Ryza Rust! Turned out even better than I could have imagined.

Main shot of the Dread
 Close up shot of the dread. Has a real rugged look to it, and the shades I used for the banners and everything make it look pretty old. Can see some of the rust on his feet.
 Top view of the Dread. Some more bits shown off with rust.
 Dat ass
 Trying to get a close up of the exhaust pipes, I am super proud of them. They look like there has been fire blowing out of them.
 If you zoom in on this, you can see a better picture of the pipes on his back.
 All in all, he was very fun to paint, mainly because it wasn't just a block, being Forge World parts. The next guys (my Rune and Wolf Priests) are going to be my April challenge.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Blood And Honour!

I finished The Honour thieves!  I'll make a picture book post for them later, but untill then...


Blood and Honour!

Monday, March 10, 2014

Lots of Hobby, Little Progress...

Terrain!  God-Emperor do I love making terrain.  It is quick, easy, fun, and impressive when finished!  I have accumulated a ton of the stuff over the years and recently I catalogued it all.  A lot of it is almost 10 years old and was in bad shape.  So I fixed all of the broken terrain I had, mostly gluing broken pieces and repainting chips.  

This old Tyranid invasion terrain was made by my buddy Sean and I when we were 19.  It was in very bad shape, but is much better now!  That hill at the end however came from GW Metreon!  I wound up with it somehow...

All this city fight stuff was made by J'mo, me, and our buddies Clark and Ben.  Stizz may have helped...I honestly don't remember!  He has certainly played on it!  They all needed touch ups, mostly on the bases and tips of lights and spires.

There was a lot of stuff that didn't need fixing...I didn't take pictures of those.  There was some new stuff that I painted as well, But I'll save that for next time.  

Next up for terrain I have a few things to paint, two crashed landers and some fallen rubble barricades.  The barricades are test pieces for a cave table I have wanted to make for forever!  After that I'll either make the cave table or work on the odd piece of fantasy terrain I have laying around!  I had a space ship boarding table in the works but it is soooo much work to put together.  I think the cave table will serve the same purpose and be much easier to craft!

I also have photos from the Bros Before Saving Throws Kill Team St. Valentines Day Massacre (BBSTKTSVDM).  Due to some craziness I didn't make battle reports like I promised, but here are some highlights of The Steel Spines fighting those fae space elves.

For the final game I took a Minotaurs assault squad out for a whirl...

Coming soon are the Astral Claws Veteran Retaliators.  The Honor Thieves are done, they just need a coat of matte finish when the humidity isn't so high!

Monday, March 3, 2014

Just a little WIP

Here's a few new marines I've painted. I went back to my comfort zone and have been painting one marine to completion each session. I just love tactical marines too much so settle for less! Fortunately, after this Tac Squad is done, Its all big models so I think I'll be able to obsess a little less.