
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

I want a mid-week post too...

Spotted at Endgame in Oakland, Ca

With Nyle and Stiz cranking out some inspiring content today, I felt some pretty powerful hobby envy. This fueled my fire to bang out the last bit of my first Centurion Model.

Here are the results of my grindiest paint sessions yet. I give you all the weapon options for my first centurion:

My NMM process for dulled reflective steel.

Base: Abbadon Black(2) + Mechanicum Standard Grey(2) + XV-88(1)

Wash: Nuln Oil(1) + Water(1)

Layer/ Guide Coat: Mech. Stand. Grey

Highlights: Thunderhawk Blue + Mech. Stand. Grey +  White Scar

Reflected Light: XV-88 (2) + Mech. Stand Grey(1) + Ab. Black(1)

Goblin Green shaded w/ Ab. Black, lightened w/ White Scar
 Here's our bad boy trying on a few of his new fits:

Your nips are HARD.
Coming soon:

-Another Centurion Body (maybe as early as this coming technically Monday?)
-All that dude's guns (ugh.)
-Sculpted/modeled Tac Squad Bases (yusssssss!)