
Thursday, December 26, 2013

The Stoke Is High

Christmas came and Lord and Lady did it deliver! Nyle delivered the dope goods for our first annual BBST Christmas Model Friendship Exchange (the title seems to get longer every time I write about it). Without further ado, here's that new hotness: 

This Librarian is a conversion masterpiece! I honestly still don't know where half of these bits are from. I'm truly impressed.

In the same vein, here's a model I painted for my shit head brother who doesn't play any more but he wants to but he's too busy playing video games but ZOMGTHENEWNECRONSARESOSICK.

I still need to add snow but I'm happy with the paint job. I'm having fun with the dry brushed NMM technique I started messing with for my present for Nyle. I popped a few edges with some watered down white on this one. I think that really sold the effect.

Lastly, it looks like the BBST crew will be participating in this year's Independent Characters Hobby Progress Challenge. We should have even more consistent content coming out for you, our valued reader. I cannot wait to have 2000 points of painted glory by year's end. The Red Scholars will be nearly Apocalypse ready if all goes according to plan...

Hobby goals for next time:

-Get my first 1k assembled and ready to paint!

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Best Christmas Ever?

Possibly! Not only did I get a ton of books on ancient history and a new tactical squad, I played several games of Super Dungeon Explore with my bros and ate like a seaside king (crab AND oysters!). Plus I got my super special gift from Jason and found the most exciting email I have ever recieved in my inbox!

Application for Citadel Publications Editor (Ref: 0001461)

Hello Nyle,

Thank you for your recent application for the above position. I am pleased to let you know that you have been successful in reaching the next stage in the recruitment process. This will involve an interview and we will be in touch in early January to confirm the details.

In the meantime, I hope you enjoy the Christmas break and have a Happy New Year!

Kind regards,

Lisa Sipple
Personnel Team

Games Workshop

Ssssssssooooooooooo excited! Best gift ever? Possibly!

But Jmo's is a pretty close second!

I hope you guys enjoy your minis as well! Merry Xmas! Just add snow bro!

Sloshhammer gift exchange!!!

Firstly, this is what I got. A complete airbrush paint set. I'll have absolutely every color I'll ever need, ever again. I'm starting my gift projects over so I can utilize these badass paints. So be patient pleaaaase!

SPOILER ALERT: I had HDR on so there are 2 photos of each one, didn't know which one looked better so they are both on here.

 To be honest I'm not quite sure what this guy is (mechanical turkey vulture/eagle?) but it's badass. This is an accompaniment to my bro Nyle's gift. I will have to reglue it onto the perch though.

And this is the badass space wolf that Nyle made me. Completely custom, no one else has this, and it is badass!.

I am especially fond of the custom pelt.

Halt! Who goes there?!



This guy is also, absolutely badass. So many crazy details makes it absolutely stunning. Though I am not completely sure what model it is...
These are the photos that I took with my iPhone, when I complete My gift models, I will take better pictures with a legit camera of all of the models so you can see the crazy details in each of these models. I am eternally grateful that my buds crafted these for me, and I now know that I must step my game up in order to keep up. I just got that paint set so I will be restarting. I will post better pictures as soon as I am finished! Let's Do This!!!

Saturday, December 14, 2013

More Minotaurs!

My girlfriend went on a cruise for almost two weeks. And while I missed her terribly, that meant I got a lot of painting time in. Who'd have thought I'd have gotten a whole ten man vanguard squad and a chaplain painted? Not me!

The chaplain is my home made Ivanus Enkomi that I but together with my Asterion Moloch when the Badab War IA books came out two or three years ago. I was pretty stoaked about him then, and am even more now that he's painted! Next project will not be Minos however...i have two drop pods and a ven dread ready to go but i'm ready for something vastly different. What will it be? Stay tunned to find out!

Withought further ado here's my new 550+ point glass cannon.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Transmission Received, Lord Commander ANinja

First off, I got my holiday friendship model from Nyle! I'm anxiously waiting until Christmas to open it. This is already shaping up to be the best Christmas for friendship ever.

In that same vein, I have your dudes' goodies all wrapped up and ready to go out tomorrow. They're coming in these shitty oversized quarter machine prize bubbles from the Jap discount store:

Oh, and at long last I have some hobby progress. After really tightening up my scheme on my Centurion squad, I decided to paint my next batch of Tactical Marines to a slightly higher standard.

My shite phone camera doesn't do it much justice but I tried my hand at a bit of simple blending and battle damage on his armor. I really need to get a better set up for photographing these.

As for future progress, my only goal is to paint this tactical squad and maybe paint my Captain. I just got the Clan Raukaan supplement and I'm considering switching from counts-as Iron Hand to this list. I think I need to play a few games before I solidify my choice.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Top Secret Miniatures

I finished two top secret minis last night. Both Jamo and Stiz's x-mas gifts are done! But that leaves me with a bit of a canundrum...i can't post pics on here, it would ruin the suprise...and i have at least two more top secret projects to complete. So do i just not post for a month or just post text updates? No way! How boring. That being said i dont have the time to paint more new enter the backlog. I have a ton of painted minis stashed away in figure cases or display shelves in the garage. So i have decided to share some of them everytime i finish a top secret miniature project.

Two new projects completed, two old projects to share. One "Gored" and one bsb.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Last Of The Minotaurs

So this week marks the last of my partialy painted minotaurs models being finished. This land speeder had been laying around partialy painted for over a year. After a few hours work, it is table top ready.

So my question now is what to do next? I have a lot more minotaurs i could start on, but my plethora of unfinished projects means my options are practicaly endless.

First up, i think i will paint some x-mas gifts. Minis for jamo and stiz, and a couple for my brother. But after that? Who knows...

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Back At It

Alright, alright. I slacked off on posting a bit. Lame, I know.

Self depreciation aside, I have made some decent hobby progress in the last few (2?) weeks. Lets start with the oldest news first.

These boys finally got some snow on their bases!

Well, I did this almost a month ago, but its progress all the same! The Secret Weapon Miniatures ground glass snow works incredibly well. The kit I purchase came with "Realistic Water" solution that can be used as an adhesive but I didn't want the snow to look too wet. I Just went with PVA instead. You can see some looking a bit mushier (like on the plasma cannon marine) and some looking a bit flakier. This came from adding more or less glue. Both seem to be staying on equally well.

Right. Next order of business, I completed my /r/Warhammer October Challenge on time! That of course being my Centurion squad. Here's a few pics of the finished unit.

This was definitely an eye opener in a lot of respects. Namely, I think I learned the value of planning a scheme. I'm one of those painters that loves going to town on a single miniature and kinda serendipitously choosing colors. That can make for really interesting models and painting sessions but doesn't lend well to painting whole units, much less armies. Because I had my scheme mapped out for this project, I got to focus much more on the finish and technique.

Now on to some new fun stuff! I made a magnetic figure case.

I made this out of an old toolbox my girlfriend found in one of Berkeley's various free boxes this past summer. I lined the bottom with some sheet tin secured by liquid nails and glued 1/4" magnets beneath the bases of my minis. I used a small amount of green stuff on each model to make sure the magnets reached the ground since they weren't quite thick enough to match the depth of the bases. You can also see where I've sectioned off all of my Centurion options. Gods know how long that will stay organized.

And finally, here's my work in progress Master of the Forge with a Conversion Beamer and both on-foot and Space Marine bike counts-as options.

This dude is a huge kit bash/scratch build cluster F. His arms and legs are the super dope posable cyborg arms and legs from Anvil Industry. His head is from came with the MaxMini Bionic Bits set. His bike base is also from MaxMini. His absurd mini tank body is from Hitech Miniatures. I found all of these third party bits down at Game Kastle in Fremont. The Conversion Beamer itself is the hell spawn of my bits box. I think I went a little over the top by basing the weapon on a tank-scaled gun. Awesome factor turned to 10.

I think I'm going to add a few of my green stuff cables to finish it up. Otherwise, everything is magnetized and pinned and ready for priming along with NYLE AND STEVE'S SUPER SECRET CHRISTMAS MINI SWAP PRESENTS.

-Prime errythang
-Start on Nyle and Steve's presents