
Sunday, January 26, 2014

March Challenge 1/3 of the Way There

Howdy, bros. I just realized I updated my challenge thread and neglected to post to our blog. For shame! Its right in the title, as Stiz aptly pointed out, its Bros Before...

Humble apologies aside, here is my second Dreadnought joining the ranks of painted soldiers for the Red Scholars! I give you Reforged Brother Dromen.

Next up is my MotF! I'll finally be nailing down a HQ for this army. Can't wait. His power pack is bedecked in magnets so I'll have lots of opportunities for future load outs.

I'm going to try and bang this model out before Aninja rolls through this Friday! I'm really looking forward to actually getting some games in. I haven't played in years at this point.