
Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Sloshhammer gift exchange!!!

Firstly, this is what I got. A complete airbrush paint set. I'll have absolutely every color I'll ever need, ever again. I'm starting my gift projects over so I can utilize these badass paints. So be patient pleaaaase!

SPOILER ALERT: I had HDR on so there are 2 photos of each one, didn't know which one looked better so they are both on here.

 To be honest I'm not quite sure what this guy is (mechanical turkey vulture/eagle?) but it's badass. This is an accompaniment to my bro Nyle's gift. I will have to reglue it onto the perch though.

And this is the badass space wolf that Nyle made me. Completely custom, no one else has this, and it is badass!.

I am especially fond of the custom pelt.

Halt! Who goes there?!



This guy is also, absolutely badass. So many crazy details makes it absolutely stunning. Though I am not completely sure what model it is...
These are the photos that I took with my iPhone, when I complete My gift models, I will take better pictures with a legit camera of all of the models so you can see the crazy details in each of these models. I am eternally grateful that my buds crafted these for me, and I now know that I must step my game up in order to keep up. I just got that paint set so I will be restarting. I will post better pictures as soon as I am finished! Let's Do This!!!