
Thursday, April 24, 2014

The Forgefather Acends


There, I said it.

This is what I've been chomping at the bit to produce. I present Forgefather Bregen Hallithec.

I have some weird mental disconnect between painting single heroes and line troopers. Although I try and put an undue amount of effort in my foot sloggers, I can never bring myself to use more that 40% of an ass when painting them. However, give me a centerpiece model and its pure serendipity!

Anyways, here at last is my Master of the Forge.

I put a lot more effort into the NMM effect this time around. I found that pushing the contrast made those highlights read more as metal sheen. Blending steps helped a lot too. Or maybe I've been staring at it too long. What do you guys think?

Suffice to say, I had a lot of fun painting this dude and I look forward to forging his lore on the battlefield soon. I'm definitely pumped to get into painting the next of my Dreads. Here's my proof shot including next month's goal:

Until next time, Glory to the Omnisiah! Glory to the BBST!

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